During the holidays, we often like to choose a subject and spend a day learning about it and planning activities around the topic. The girls love immersing themselves in a particular subject and enjoy thinking up their own activities that we can do. Since we've just come back from a holiday in Dorset along the Jurassic Coast, I thought it would be fun to conclude our holiday with a Dinosaur Day.
I planned everything the night before, starting by cutting a giant footprint template out of cardboard and using it to sprinkle flour on the lawn to make footprints in the garden. Then when the girls woke up in the morning, I got them to look out of the window to see what had been roaming round in the night!
To keep them busy while I cleared away after breakfast, they played with some dinosaur fuzzy felts and looked through some dinosaur fact books. Then we were ready to get started with the day.
Our first activity was to use some of the fossils we had collected on holiday to make some fossil rubbings. Our eldest loved doing this and made loads which she then cut out to make a collage with later.
While they were busy doing the rubbings, which eventually turned into just drawing their own dinosaur creations, I got the next activity ready. We made dinosaur feet out of sheets of foam which slip on like slippers and they glued on toe nails and decorated.
Then we stopped for a snack and some story books - Tyrannosaurus Drip, Dinosaurs Love Underpants, and Bumpus Jumpus Dinosaur Rumpus.
Then onto our next activity, we found this cute little paper mach dinosaur figure in a local art shop, so we decided to decorate him with some of our deco patch papers. I love how he turned out, the girls have named him Mr Zippy!
Then we moved out into the garden, where I had hidden some little dinosaur figures (like these) in the sand pit for them to excavate. This was our youngests favourite activity of the day.
Then it was lunch time, dinosaur themed of course! We had dinosaur boiled eggs, which are so simple to make, you just boil your eggs like normal and when they are cooked gently crack them all over and pop them in a cup of water with food colouring, then when you peel them they have coloured cracks all over them. We also had dinosaur sandwiches using one of our sandwich cutters.
And to finish mississippi mud pie, yum!
After lunch we had a few games of dinosaur Guess Who, you can download templates here http://www.hasbro.com/games/discover/guesswho/Guess-Who-Characters-en_NZ.cfm and finally finished by watching Jurassic Park - of course!