3 year old Princess Party
When our youngest turned 3 last year, there was no question about it, she wanted a princess party, which was certainly quite fun to plan.
We started off by handing out crowns to each of the guests that I had made out of felt and buttons, each had a different colour and design.
Since 3 year olds don't really have the attention span for lots of party games, we bought a big cardboard castle and gave them a pack of pens and stickers for them to decorate it and play inside. This was a big hit and the children kept returning to it throughout the party.
We did play a few simple games too, like pass the parcel, pin the crown on the princess, musical statues and a treasure hunt.
We had simple party food - little sandwiches, crisps, star shaped jellies and mini cakes.
Then the all important cake, a princess castle of course.
You can buy lots of the princess party supplies we used from our Party Shop, including: